Guest Editors:
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sauerwein
Prof. Dr. Lucie Sancey
lucie.sancey@ univ-grenoblealpes.fr
Dr. Sunil Krishnan
Deadline for manuscript submissions:
30 November 2022
Message from the Guest Editors
The appearance of hospital-based epithermal neutron sources has made boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) a dedicated focus of innovative developments in radiation oncology. This binary treatment modality not only needs neutrons but also a carrier transporting B-10 selectively into cancer cells. This has fueled the quest for new compounds for BNCT and resurgence of interest in preclinical testing of these next-generation compounds.
This Special Issue of Cells is dedicated to collating results of recent preclinical research related to the development and testing of novel boron-containing therapeutic compounds and publishing a collection of intelligible and clear reviews of the most challenging aspects of drug development for BNCT. You are invited to submit your contributions in the form of original research articles, reviews, or shorter perspective articles.