Wenn Sie an einem bestimmten Termin nicht dabei sein konnten oder wenn Sie sich spezielle Beiträge noch einmal ansehen möchten, dann schauen Sie hier in unsere Aufzeichnungen der „Talks around the campfire“.
6. Februar 2025
Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Ulrich Ratzinger (Institute of Applied Sciences IAP, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt):
Particle accelerator for beginners. Today: the cyclotron
Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Sauerwein (DGBNCT and BNCT Global GmbH, Essen):
Neutron capture enhanced fast neutron therapy.
13. Februar 2025
Yosuke 洋介 Maki 真⽊ and Ivan Hlavacek Ing. PhD (Interpharma Praha, a.s.): The synthesis of BPA
Prof. Dr. med. Piero Fossati (MedAustron, Wiener Neustadt): The rational use of carbon ions in radiation oncology
20. Februar 2025
Prof. Eiji 栄次 Matsuura 松浦 (Okayama University): Novel drug delivery particles provide dual effects on cancer “theranostics” in BNCT
Iva Bártková M.Sc. (Katchem spol. s.r.o., Praha): Trade and handling of carboranes, which are regulated military goods
27. Februar 2025
Prof. Simonetta Geninatti Crich (Centro Imaging Molecolare, Università di Torino): Carboranes for medical chemistry
Prof. Carl Wheldon (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham): The High Flux Accelerator-Driven Neutron Facility in Birmingham
6. März 2025
Ass. Prof. Erik Traneus (RaySearch Laboratories AB, Stockholm): Revisiting proton RBE – New approaches to measuring and modelling for treatment planning
Dr. med. Georg Lodde (Klinik für Dermatologie, Universitätsklinikum Essen): Is there a need for an effec ve loco-regional therapy for malignant melanoma?
13. März 2025
Ms. Artemis Kontogoula (Med-Logix Srl, Roma): Fast Thermoradiotherapy – New frontiers in Oncology
PD Dr. rer.nat. Andreas Schirbel (Klinik für Nuklearmedizin, Universitätsklinikum Würzburg): Theranostics with [123/131I]IMAZA of adrenocor cal tumors and planned derivatives for BNCT
20. März 2025
Prof. Stuart Green (University Hospital Birmingham and University of Birmingham): Introducing the new IPEM code of practice for dosimetry of proton beams, and some ideas on a dosimetry code of practice for BNCT
Dr. Meritxell Teixidó (Gate2Brain, Barcelona): Gate2Brain, pep de blood-brain barrier shuttles from discovery to application
27. März 2025
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. (mult) Evamarie Hey-Hawkins (Universität Leipzig): The fascinating chemical properties of phosphorus
Prof. Dr. rer.nat Georg Iliakis (University Hospital Essen): Repair of DNA Double Strand Breaks. Spectrum of relevance